Find Me or Contact Me

I’m waiting for you to taste my dishes
Do you have specific questions? Write to me.

Address: Bernstrasse 65D, 3072 Ostermundigen, Switzerland 

Time: from 11.30 to 14.00

Address: Rosalia-Wenger-Platz, 3014 Berna, Switzerland 

Time: ftom 11.30 to 14.00


Since my food truck often moves to participate in events and fairs, hours may vary every week.

My food truck travels to bring you the best Italian flavors! Every week you’ll find me in different locations. Check here or on my social channels to know where I’ll be.


Since my food truck often moves to participate in events and fairs, hours may vary every week.

Here are my regular opening hours, but remember to check my social pages for any updates:

Special Events and Themed Evenings

I regularly attend fairs, artisan markets, and local festivals. Event dates and opening hours during these events will be announced in advance on my social channels.
Throughout the year, I also organize themed evenings where you can discover the story and ingredients of my special dishes. Don’t miss these unique occasions!


If you are a company or a freelancer and are interested in our products, please write this in your message.

Additionally, if you’d like to request information about my services or collaborate for an event, you can easily contact me through the following channels: